Ausgewählte Anzeigen:
Haus in Saint denis d'oléron für 4 Personen
von Jean S.


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Stadt: Pise
Land: Italie
Region: Toscane
Turistisches Gebiet: Toscane
Adresse: Cascina
In der Nähe von: 7 km von Pise • 30 km von Lucques • 20 km vom Meer • 3 km vom Fluß • 500 m von Läden • 500 m vom Zentrum

Kapazität: 3 Personen • 1 Doppelbett • 1 Einzelbett

Typ: Schloß • Appartement im Schloß • 2 Zimmer • Etage 1 • von 2 Anzahl Etagen • Oberfläche 60 m2

Beschreibung: 1 Schlafzimmer • 1 Badezimmer • getrennte Küche • Wohnzimmer • Parkplatz • Garten • Lage Nord Ost

Dienstleistungen: Bettwäsche einbegriffen • Handtücher einbegriffen

Geräte: Kühlschrank • Gefriertruhe • Backofen • Plattenherd • Mikrowelle • Bügeleisen • Ventilator • Zentralheizung • Fernseher • Fax • Internet Anschluß • Satelliten-Kabel-TV • Stereoanlage • Tischtennis

Aktivitäten: Tennis • Promenaden

Besonderkeiten: Aussicht auf Berge • rauchen nicht gestattet • Hohes Qualitäts Niveau

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Tarif Spitzensaison 820 € pro Woche • 120 € pro Nacht
Tarif Hochsaison 770 € pro Woche • 115 € pro Nacht
Zwischensaison 770 € pro Woche • 120 € pro Nacht
Tarif Nachsaison: 650 € pro Woche • 105 € pro Nacht
Zusätzliche Preisinformation: Alle Kosten einbegriffen • Anzahlung 30 % der Miete

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A Rare and Breathtaking Home
  • Currently 5.00/5
Bewertung gemacht von Mick & Helen (Reading, UK)
My partner and I stayed at this Villa in September 2010. We had an inkling that it might be an interesting place to stay but we never even began to imagine how special it turned out to be.

It is a large, historic building containing magnificent 18th and 19th century frescos of outstanding beauty. It was also the home of a truly scandalous but remarkable lady who played a pivotal part in Tuscan history.

The owners, Donatella and Antonio are wonderfully hospitable hosts and take genuine delight in sharing their home with their guests.

It also has excellent public transport connections to centres of Pisa and Florence.

I was so impressed by our stay there - and the efforts that Donatella and Antonio have made to restore and rescue the building and it's treasures, I decided to make a film about it. You can see the results on YouTube here:

If you are an art lover looking for historic and atmospheric lodgings in the Pisa area, this is a place that we heartily recommend.
Sleeping with history
  • Currently 5.00/5
Bewertung gemacht von Chris Bromme
Clean rooms welcome you to a villa with astonishing afrescos. Location is great for traveling in the Tuscan region to include Pisa, Livorno, Florence, and Lucca. The stories told by the owner, Ms Donatella, will amaze you and leave you in aw, especially the travel through time using the afrescos. A must see!

Sonstige Reiseziele in der Nähe: Florence (12)

(345) > Toskana (49) > (5) > (15) > Anzeige Nr 23992

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